Test Evaluation & Range Operations
WESTECH is one of the few companies in the US with leading expertise supporting the DoD with Test Evaluation (T&E) and Range Operations. In T&E, WESTECH specializes in Evaluation & Reporting, Infrastructure & Instrumentation, Modeling & Simulation, and Data Management & Analysis. In Range Operations, WESTECH focuses on Mission Subsystems O&M, Sustainment & Logistics, Systems Engineering & Integration, and Downrange Base Operations.
Base Test Support Services (BTSS) Supporting USAOTC
Ft Hood, TX
Ft Bragg, NC
Ft. Carson, CO
Ft. Bliss, TX
Dugway, UT
- Data Collection & Data Management
- Test Planning & Execution
- Test Evaluation
WESTECH supports the US Army Operational Test Command (USAOTC) by assessing military systems in realistic operational environments to determine whether those systems are effective, suitable, and survivable under various environmental conditions. WESTECH personnel provide: Operational Test Support, data collection, experimentation; Pre-test Support including test planning; Test Execution including integration of instrumentation systems; and IT Support for test data servers. As a result of conducting multiple tests concurrently, WESTECH has unmatched expertise in providing surge support and hiring and deploying hundreds of temporary employees throughout the US on short notice.
YPG Test Services
Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma, AZ
- Electronic Instrumentation
- Test Chamber Operations
- Data Collection & Data Management
Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) is one of the largest military installations in the world and conducts tests on nearly every weapon in the ground combat arsenal. WESTECH supported YPG by operating various test chambers and facilities, Technical Writing, Optical Tracking, Electronic Instrumentation, Operations & Maintenance, Automotive Instrumentation, and Data Collection & Management.
Navy Integrated Training Environment (NITE) Contract For NAVSEA
Naval Air Station, Fallon, NV
- Electronic Radar Systems
- Maintenance & Engineering
- Electronic Warfare
The Navy Integrated Training Environment (NITE) contract provides an integrated program enabling a continuous, multi-domain, live, virtual and constructive training platform across the Naval Training Enterprise. WESTECH provides Maintenance & Engineering support for training range systems in support of tactical, operational, and strategic Electronic Warfare requirements. WESTECH maintains both foreign and domestic Electronic Radar Systems that are designed to train & test combat units in the use of offensive and defensive tactics necessary to survive in hostile environments.
Test Operations Services For DTRA
Kirtland AFB, NM
Socorro, NM
Moriarity, NM
- Engineering & Development
- Data Collection
- Research & Development
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) enables the DOD to counter and deter weapons of mass destruction. WESTECH supported DTRA with Engineering & Developmental Tests, Experimental Tests to collect design data, and assists in R&D such as setup, operations, circuit testing, calibration, and troubleshooting of electronic or electro-mechanical systems. WESTECH is proud to have supported this contract in its backyard at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Mission Support Services Contract At WSMR
White Sands Missile Range, NM
- Range Operations & Maintenance
- Range Instrumentation
- Electronics Surveillance
White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) provides America’s armed forces with premiere research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) to ensure defense readiness. WESTECH provided Range Organization-level Maintenance, Range Mission Subsystems O&M, Communications, and Deployment of Range Instrumentation. In addition, WESTECH supported mission-essential communications electronics and frequency surveillance operations throughout the range.
F-117 Mission Planning & Operational Test Support
Holloman AFB, NM
- Test Planning
- Test Evaluation
- Mission Profile Planning
WESTECH supported three squadrons and two detachments for the United States Air Force by providing all Mission Planning and Operational Test & Evaluation Support for the entire fleet of USAF F-117 stealth aircraft. This support included flight scheduling, mission profile planning, coordination with the FAA, WSMR & other ranges, air refueling assets, Holloman AFB agencies, and other on-site contractors.
Systems Engineering & Integration Contract (SEIC) For USAF
Eglin AFB, FL
Hill AFB, UT
- Test Support
- Systems Sustainment
- Software Analysis
The Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS) provides computer tools to aid the planning of aircraft missions. WESTECH supported this mission by providing Independant, Verification & Validation (IV&V) testing support of the JMPS Mission Planning Environment (MPE) software as well as supported the Mission Planning Systems Enterprise to improve System Sustainment.
Technical & Evaluations Mission Systems Support To JITC
Ft. Huachaca, AZ
- Test Evaluation
- Certification Services
- Information Technology
The Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) serves as DoD’s only non-service operation test agency for information technology. Under this contract WESTECH provided continual Data Analysis & Reporting to the Ballistic Missile Defense System Operational Test Agency. WESTECH provided Data Base Management & Data Analysis, initial creation of reports and task deliverables, Independent Validation and Verification Testing, and Test Enhancements of four different applications.